Maskincenter Felsted A/S

Juelsbjerg 2
6200 Aabenraa Denmark

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Machines for sale at Maskincenter Felsted A/S

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Hardi LZY 1200L


Maskincenter Felsted A/S

Aabenraa, DK

Price given on request

John Deere 8530 Renoveret autopower til 8030 og 8R

Tractor partUsed

Maskincenter Felsted A/S

Aabenraa, DK

DKK 150,000 VAT ex.

Amazone AD-P 403 SUPER Med KG 4000 Super Rotorharve

Sowing machineUsed

Maskincenter Felsted A/S

Aabenraa, DK

DKK 225,000 VAT ex.

Amazone EDX 9000 TC Med sektionskontrol

Sowing machineUsed

Maskincenter Felsted A/S

Aabenraa, DK

DKK 425,000 VAT ex.

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